How to Support ThyCa

Donate by Mail
Donate through your employer matching gift program
ThyCa Accepted into CFC

Goods or Services Donation Form 

Making Our Mission a Reality

Contributions are crucial to sustaining, strengthening, and expanding our free support services and outreach and funding thyroid cancer research.

The generosity of patients, families, friends, professionals, corporations, and foundations assures the quality of our support services, funds our publications and community outreach, strengthens our education initiatives, and supports thyroid cancer research.

The contributions from all who appreciate and support our mission of service and research are vital and deeply appreciated.

Why Donate?

ThyCa provides unique kinds of support that offer education and comfort to all persons diagnosed with thyroid cancer, as well as to their loved ones. We help everyone, no matter where they are or what their circumstances.

ThyCa was founded in 1995 by numerous caring individuals who made a promise that no one would ever face thyroid cancer treatment alone. All funds raised go to support our mission.

To keep our promise, ThyCa must raise new money each year, and we rely on the community to make this possible.

How to Donate?

You can help by sending a donation to support our efforts. Because ThyCa is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, your donations are tax-deductible.

Please help us reach our goals! We need your support so that no one who has thyroid cancer will go through their journey alone.

Every gift counts. Your gift makes a profound difference in the lives of people who really need our help. The important thing is for us to hear from you as soon as possible!

$$$$ = Research  /  Research = Cure

Employer Matching?

Please check to see if your employer has a matching gift/donation program.

Where Does the Money Go?

Nearly all of ThyCa's expenditures go to support Thyroid Cancer Education, Awareness and Support through our services such as our support groups, web site, toll-free number, annual conference, regional workshops, and enewsletters. Our Research Grants are awarded through scientific peer review committees directed by the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons and the American Thyroid Association. We are not affiliated with any specific hospital or research institution and thus we award grants to the applicants that have the best combination of scientific merit, appropriately skilled researchers, the greatest likelihood for success, and the highest benefit for the thyroid cancer patient community.

Our research grants are open to researchers and institutions worldwide.


ThyCa works with foundations, associations, and corporations to build mutually beneficial relationships aimed at promoting the well-being of people whose lives have been touched by this disease and finding a cure for all thyroid cancer.

Opportunities are available to sponsor and support local, regional, and national special events and fundraising activities, underwrite patient service projects, and contribute educational grants to support our annual conferences.

Supporting ThyCa strengthens an organization’s public reputation as a contributor to the health and well-being of the community. Your clients, customers, and employees will be proud of your association with ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc., boosting morale and helping motivate your workforce. Your clients and customers will appreciate your support of a worthy cause. Unrestricted sponsorship and support opportunities are available in Fundraising, Patient and Community Services, Professional Education, and Research.

Join the team today! For more information on opportunities, email us.  

Planned Gifts

Planned gifts are one important way that you can help ThyCa realize our vision of making quality support available to all thyroid cancer survivors, their families, and those affected in our community. A gift at death can save estate taxes as well. A gift during your lifetime can save both estate taxes and income taxes, while providing you or a loved one with a fixed income for life. You accomplish this with the added benefit of knowing you are making an important difference in the lives of many people.

Remembering ThyCa in your will may be a wonderful way to provide tax benefits for your estate. Please consult with your attorney or tax advisor if you are interested. Please let us know of your plans! We would like to have the chance to thank you and recognize you among the special people who have designated ThyCa as the beneficiary of a planned gift. These individuals have demonstrated great forethought and generosity and inspire others to help ThyCa.

Click here if you've already designated ThyCa as the beneficiary of a planned gift or would like more information about planned giving.

Restricting a Gift

If you would like to restrict your donation to ThyCa, you can specify one of two funds.

The first is the Thyroid Cancer Research Fund. The second is the Medullary Thyroid Cancer Research Fund.

Your Privacy

ThyCa does not release or sell our mailing list or information about anyone on our list, whether they make a donation, sign up through our Guestbook, or attend an event. Your information remains private. Thank you for your support of all of us.

Many Ways You Can Help

ThyCa is committed to improving the lives of those affected by thyroid cancer and finding cures for this disease. These are ambitious tasks and we need your help!

As a largely volunteer-run support service organization, ThyCa proudly provides emotional support to patients, sponsors educational conferences around the country, produces educational materials, works with a growing number of thyroid cancer support groups nationwide, and sponsors research.

Because we receive no government funding, we depend on you for continued support of these urgently needed programs.

Here are a few of the ways you can help:

  • Fundraising Events. We hold a wide variety of fundraising activities where you help us and make a difference.
  • Donating. Not interested in attending an event or seeking donations from others? Your donation will help support our network of patient service programs and researchers.
  • Volunteering. We need volunteers in every facet of our activities, from running support groups to handling the many behind-the-scenes tasks that keep the organization running. If you'd like to help, either on a one-time basis or as a continuing volunteer, please let us know! We'll find a job for you, and you'll meet many terrific people along the way.
  • Sponsorship. Corporate sponsorship makes an important difference to our activities. Contact us to find out how your corporation can help.

Volunteer for ThyCa

Our wonderful Volunteers are the reasons that thyroid cancer patients and families worldwide are receiving our unique support and education services. Our volunteers nationwide are involved in every facet of the organization's operations. Key areas of volunteer activity include:

  • Running family-oriented support groups.
  • Managing our internet networks and resources.
  • Developing the content for the website and print publications.
  • Conducting outreach and public information activities involving health care professionals, community groups, local and national organizations, and the mass media.
  • Serving our participants through person-to-person support, outreach, and correspondence.
  • Planning and participating in conferences and other special events.
  • Soliciting donations from individuals, businesses, and foundations.

If you are interested in volunteering your time and talents in support of ThyCa, please email at your convenience. You'll be joining an enthusiastic and dedicated group, and we will welcome and greatly appreciate your involvement.

Thank you for your support!


Last updated: August 26, 2024