Calendar of Events

We welcome people at all stages of testing, treatment, and follow-up for thyroid cancer, as well as family members and friends. All times are local.


Every Month ThyCa Support Groups are located around the United States and in Honduras and Ireland. A complete list of groups, meetings, and contacts is on the Local Support Groups page.
Every Month ThyCa's Free Webinars and Videos with Thyroid Cancer Experts, on all types of thyroid cancer. Watch and listen anytime.
Every Month Rally for Research: Year-Round Activities, Special Events, and News about ThyCa’s Thyroid Cancer Research Grants and more.
Every January
Thyroid Awareness Month for all thyroid diseases is an observance created by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists to raise awareness of hypothyroidism, Graves’ disease, thyroid cancer, and more. ThyCa is pleased to support this observance, and to provide the AACE Neck Check cards plus many other free materials for awareness and education about thyroid cancer. For more information, visit the Raise Awareness page or email your request with your complete mailing address to
Every September
Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. Worldwide observance sponsored by ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc., with many partnering organizations. Community group outreach, workplace displays, Facebook outreach, media outreach, educational events, support group meetings, and more are initiated by volunteers worldwide. For free materials (download or by mail) plus helpful tips on spreading the word, both during this month and throughout the year, visit the Raise Awareness page.  You may also read the Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month press release.
September 7, Virtual
12:00 PM-1:15 PM  Eastern Time
Free Thyroid Patient Education Health Forum. Sponsored by the American Thyroid Association. Do you have questions or concerns about thyroid issues? This free virtual program unites patient advocates and ATA physician members with individuals affected by thyroid conditions and their loved ones. Feel free to join if you have inquiries, symptoms, or worries regarding thyroid issues such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, or a familial predisposition to thyroid-related ailments. Registration coming soon.
September 12, Virtual
8-9 PM Eastern Time
Webinar co-hosted by the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) and ThyCa. Join us for this free webinar where you can ask questions directly to doctors. The subject of the session will be announced at a later date.

September 26, Virtual
12:30 PM-2:30 PM Eastern Time 

Medicare 101. Free webinar for cancer patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Sponsored by the nonprofit Triage Cancer. ThyCa is pleased to be a supporting partner to this event. Free continuing education units to nurses, social workers, board certified patient advocates, and human resources professionals. Details and registration.

October 25-26, Virtual
11:00 AM-5:30 PM Eastern Time 

Understanding Health Insurance, Financial Help, Getting Organized, Medicare, Employment and Disability Insurance. Free Conference for cancer patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Sponsored by the nonprofit Triage Cancer. ThyCa is pleased to be a community partner for this event. Free continuing education credits to nurses, social workers, board certified patient advocates, and human resources professionals. Details and registration.

October 29, Virtual
1:00 PM-2:30 PM Eastern Time 

Paying for Prescription Drugs. Free webinar for cancer patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Sponsored by the nonprofit Triage Cancer. ThyCa is pleased to be a supporting partner to this event. Free continuing education units to nurses, social workers, board certified patient advocates, and human resources professionals. Details and registration.

Nov. 5, Virtual
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Eastern Time 

 Benefits for Veterans with Cancer. Free webinar for cancer patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Sponsored by the nonprofit Triage Cancer. ThyCa is pleased to be a supporting partner to this event. Free continuing education units to nurses, social workers, board certified patient advocates, and human resources professionals. Details and registration.
 Nov. 5, Virtual
8:00 PM-9:15 PM  Eastern Time
 Free Thyroid Patient Education Health Forum. Sponsored by the American Thyroid Association. Do you have questions or concerns about thyroid issues? This free virtual program unites patient advocates and ATA physician members with individuals affected by thyroid conditions and their loved ones. Feel free to join if you have inquiries, symptoms, or worries regarding thyroid issues such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, or a familial predisposition to thyroid-related ailments. Registration coming soon.

November 19, Virtual
2:00 PM-3:30 PM Eastern Time 

Tips on Accessing Care. Free webinar for cancer patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. Sponsored by the nonprofit Triage Cancer. ThyCa is pleased to be a supporting partner to this event. Free continuing education units to nurses, social workers, board certified patient advocates, and human resources professionals. Details and registration.
December 12, Virtual
8-9 PM  Eastern Time
Webinar co-hosted by the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS) and ThyCa. Join us for this free webinar where you can ask questions directly to doctors. The subject of the session will be announced at a later date.

Please copy and share this calendar. Help spread the word!

This page was updated on August 24, 2024